Clues to Hidden Income and Assets divorce Aug 12, 2024

I often get asked how someone will know if their spouse is hiding income or assets in a divorce. Sometimes it is obvious when a document is discovered or information is leaked by someone in the know. But what if you just have a "feeling" that something isn't right?

In working with divorcing...

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Keep Your Divorce Costs Down Aug 08, 2024

It's no secret that divorces aren't cheap. In fact, many women stay in unhappy marriages much longer than they should because of cost. The average divorce costs between $15,000 and $20,000. And that's if things don't get too messy.

Since most of that cost is associated with your attorney fees,...

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Who Loses Money in the Divorce? Aug 07, 2024

No one wins in divorce. This is especially true when it comes to the money. Everyone comes out feeling like they are worse off financially than before they started.

Beyond the attorneys' fees and child support payments, your finances will change throughout your divorce process and afterward. Even...

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Finding the Right Attorney Aug 05, 2024

Hiring the right attorney for your divorce is one of the most critical moves you must make. The wrong attorney can ruin your case. If he or she is too aggressive, it can can really set off your ex and create discord that doesn't need to be there. If your attorney is too soft, you could get...

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I Can't Afford to Leave My Marriage Aug 01, 2024

Money is a big reason women stay in unhappy marriages much longer than they should. I can't tell you how many women I've helped who knew they should leave years before they actually did. One of the main reasons women hesitate to leave or just endure a broken marriage is that they...

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What Do We Do With the House? Jul 31, 2024

Many divorcing women are torn when it comes to deciding whether they should fight for the family home or get a fresh start with a new apartment or house. It is hard because there are so many financial considerations, especially when it comes to home loans, interest rates, and the high cost of...

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Hidden Assets in Divorce Cases divorce Jul 29, 2024

Hidden assets in divorce cases can impact both the property division and the award of support payments. For many women, the existence of assets they knew nothing about can have a significant impact on them for years to come.

Assets hidden by their husbands quite simply deprive them of their fair...

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Spending Your Way Through Your Divorce Jul 25, 2024

Retail therapy...we've all done it. Overspending on things we don't really need just to feel better. Impulse shopping without a care for our budget. Living beyond our means is common for many and overcoming overspending is not an easy habit to break, especially during stressful events like...

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Divorce Financial Abuse Jul 24, 2024

Did you know that financial abuse is a form of domestic abuse? Men sometimes control their wives with the money during the marriage and this control doesn't stop when faced with divorce. This is especially true for stay-at-home moms or women who don't handle the family money.

If your husband...

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Decisions About Your Family Home Jul 22, 2024

When you're getting divorced, you have to decide whether you're going to stay in the family home, let your husband stay in it, or sell the house. It is not an easy decision because there are so many factors that come into play.

Are you going to take or leave the house in your divorce?

One of the...

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