
Find Me The Money Podcast

Find hidden money, become empowered, and come out of your divorce better than ever.
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Find Me The Money is all about your divorce and your finances. It features forensic accountant Tracy Coenen, who is talking to guests about finding hidden money, getting the best financial settlement in your divorce, and coming out of your divorce stronger than before. Tracy helps women going through messy divorces gain financial clarity and win the money they deserve in their divorces.


Most Recent Episodes

Divorce Prep and Financial Planning
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Financial Triage in Divorce
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Hear All the Episodes >

Listen to Tracy as a Guest on Other Podcasts:

So Money

with Farnoosh Torabi
Financial Infidelity, the Cost of Divorce and What Every Spouse Needs to Know About Money

Listen Here
The Stacking Benjamins Show

with Joe Saul-Sehy
The Happily Never After Show: Finding Help and Hope in Divorce

Listen Here
Divorce & Beyond

with Susan Guthrie, Esq.
Find Me the Money! The Top 5 Ways People Hide Money in Divorce

Listen Here
See more of Tracy's guest appearances >

The Divorce Money Guide

This Is Your Key to Finding Hidden Money and Assets

This Guide walks you through everything you need to know to find out exactly what your family's money was spent on and to uncover hidden financial fraud in your marriage.

This is your chance to find the money.... before you agree to any settlement in your divorce.
Get the Guide

Meet your host, Tracy Coenen


Tracy Coenen is a nationally recognized CPA and forensic accountant. She focuses on finding hidden money in divorce cases.

Tracy’s work has been featured on CNBC, CBS, FOX, ABC, and NBC, as well as in Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The Washington Post, and The Business Journal.

Tracy Coenen investigates fraud and is here to help you find the money that belongs to you.