Top 10 Reasons to Have a Prenuptial Agreement

marriage prenup Jan 17, 2023

You might think you don't need a prenuptial agreement (more commonly referred to as a "prenup.") You're young. You don't have much in the way of assets. You're going into marriage with your eyes wide open.
But there are lots of benefits to having a prenup. Check out our top ten reasons to have a prenup:

  1. To clearly define the financial responsibilities of each spouse during the marriage.
  2. To protect assets acquired prior to the marriage, such as a business or inheritance.
  3. To ensure that each spouse retains control over their own assets in the event of a divorce.
  4. To provide a plan for the distribution of assets in the event of a divorce, rather than leaving it to the court to decide.
  5. To establish a fair and equitable distribution of assets in the event of death.
  6. To protect the assets of any children from a previous marriage.
  7. To provide financial security in the event of the marriage ending.
  8. To provide a framework for resolving disputes related to finances during the marriage.
  9. To establish a plan for dealing with debts and liabilities.
  10. To specify how much spousal support (if any) will be paid in the even that the marriage ends with divorce.

To learn more about prenups and some factors you should consider when deciding, check out the Marriage Money Guide. Our online handbook gives engaged couples the tools to talk about their finances and plan how to work together for a successful and prosperous future.

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