My Divorce Story
Sep 13, 2023Last week I was at a professional conference where I was promoting the Divorce Money Guide. Everyone at the conference was doing something related to personal finance, and I felt right at home.
One consistent question I got was: Did you create this product because of your own personal divorce experience?
No. I've never been divorced. But I've helped hundreds of men and women with their divorces as a forensic accountant and expert witness.
But forensic accounting services are expensive. I estimate that 95% of the people who are going through divorces are unable to afford a forensic accountant. If they have concerns about where the money is and how it was spent during their marriage, what can they do?
I got tired of telling people that there were no other options for them. I asked myself.... "Why can't there be an option? Why can't I create one?"
And so the concept behind the guide was developed. It's do-it-yourself forensic accounting with my expert guidance. Of course, you're not going to become a forensic accountant overnight. But I can teach you some simple techniques for looking at the numbers in your accounts and tax returns to help uncover the fraud.