How to Find the Right Divorce Attorney

Feb 12, 2024

One really difficult part of getting divorced is choosing a divorce lawyer. Getting an attorney is expensive, not just because you have to put down thousands of dollars for a retainer, but because they are going to bill you hourly for your entire divorce case.

It is important to choose your family law attorney wisely, but you may not feel equipped to evaluate your options. Too often, I see women making a knee jerk decision or not meeting with enough attorneys before making their selection. I don't want to scare you, but choosing the wrong attorney can be disastrous. So what should you do? 

I have a recommended process for interviewing and evaluating attorneys before making your choice. It includes a lengthy list of questions that you might want to ask. I walk you through all of it in my brand new PREPARE for Divorce guide.

Let me share a few of the tips from the new guide with you:

Tip #1 Don't go for the "bulldog"

You may have heard of the "bulldog" or "shark" divorce attorneys and you may be thinking why wouldn't I want a super aggressive attorney? These types of attorneys can get results and may be a fit for some cases, but the vast majority of cases (95%) settle out of court and having an attorney who knows how to negotiate on your behalf without setting your life on fire is almost always the better option. 

Tip #2 Do meet with 2 to 3 attorneys

Do not hire the first attorney you meet with no matter how well that consultation goes. You need to meet with 2 to 3 attorneys to get a better feel for what is out there, learn more about how your case can be handled, and be sure you are matching with the person who is going to advocate and negotiate best for you. 

Tip #3 Have questions ready

Do not go to your consultations without any questions. Even if the consultation is free, your time is not and you want to make the most of these time consuming meetings. One of the most valuable parts of our new PREPARE For Divorce guide might just be the list of questions to ask... because how would most people have any idea what to ask during an interview of a divorce attorney?

I want you to ask things like:

  • What is their level of experience with divorce and family law
  • How long do they think your case might take
  • What their billing practices are like

Want all the tips I have and a comprehensive list of all of the questions you need to have answered by an attorney? Check out PREPARE for Divorce now. This guide has everything you need to go into your divorce process confidently and equipped to manage the process.

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