Are You at Risk of Financial Fraud In Your Marriage?

fraud Nov 22, 2023

It is common to have concerns about money in your marriage. I'm not just talking about "how are the bills going to get paid".... I'm also talking about "where the heck is our money?"

When women are in the process of divorce (or even thinking about divorce), one of the most common concerns is "what has happened to our money?"

They know how much the family has been bringing in, and it seems like there should be more money in the bank. What did we spend our money on? How much do we have now? Why isn't there more money in the bank? Where did those investments go?

Like many women, you probably saw some things that concerned you too. An added layer of anxiety enters the divorce process when you are concerned that your spouse is hiding financial information or you are seeing red flags in their behavior.

So what can you do if you have questions? You're probably wondering if there is anything to be worried about. Are these little warnings something meaningful, or are you just being paranoid?

I have created a 3 minute Red Flag Quiz for you to take to find out whether you are at risk for financial infidelity. Unfortunately, financial infidelity can be found in many divorces. Can you relate to any of the following?

  • You do not manage your families finances
  • Your spouse is secretive or lies about finances, accounts, credit cards, and/or spending
  • You are concerned your spouse is cheating
  • You and your spouse have a significant disparity in the income you earn
  • Your spouse likes to brag about being dishonest or getting away with things
  • Money has gone missing from your accounts
  • You found out about a secret account that he never told you about

These are just a handful of the warning signs that you might have seen. There are many more.

Even if you only have a few concerns from the above list, you should take the Red Flag Quiz. By the end you will know you're high risk, low risk, or somewhere in between..  and the next steps you can take to get the best financial outcome for you and your family.

You have made it to the right place, now you need to take the next right step.

One of the best things you can do for yourself is get more knowledge throughout your divorce process. Taking this short quiz may be your first step towards learning to advocate for yourself and what YOU need during your divorce. Do not let what you don't know scare you from getting the information you need to make the most of your financial settlement and build the life you want to have.

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The Divorce Money Guide

This Is Your Key to Finding Hidden Money and Assets

This Guide walks you through everything you need to know to find out exactly what your family's money was spent on and to uncoverĀ hidden financial fraud inĀ your marriage.

This is your chance to find the money.... before you agree to any settlement in your divorce.


Get the Guide