Episode 57:

Create Your Comeback After Divorce

with Heidi Bee, the Divorce Comeback Coach


Show Notes

Heidi Bee, the Divorce Comeback Coach, is a certified and trauma informed divorce coach who is joining us to talk about your “comeback” after your divorce. She’s been through divorce and went through the process of reclaiming her life afterward, and now she is helping other women do the same.

A successful comeback is marked by six key things: courage, curiosity, compassion, commitment, community, and choice. Heidi gives us some great tips for getting started on the comeback path with small things that we can do, such as something she calls joy-spotting!

Check out Heidi’s three-month Comeback Course and Coaching Community and Coaching Course, which offers a supportive community and practical tools for women going through divorce. You can find it here.

You can also find her on Instagram or TikTok: @DivorceComebackCoach


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