Episode 53:

Revenge Body: Fitness After Divorce

with Melissa Vogel of Melissa Vogel Fitness


Show Notes

Today we have Melissa Vogel on the podcast to talk about fitness after divorce. Let’s be real, marriage, motherhood, and divorce can all be tough on a woman’s body, and it’s easy to forget about your health and fitness. The stressful effects of divorce can lead to poor eating habits and a lack of physical activity. Melissa is here to talk about the reality of getting fit after divorce.

Melissa says it’s not about getting a revenge body, but in the spirit of “the best revenge is living well”.... We want to take back control and put some focus on ourselves. You want to be a great mom and focus on your kids during this difficult time, but you have to put on your oxygen mask first. You have to be well so you can care for your children well.

We talk about mindset and how important that is to getting healthy. Hear what Melissa has to say about giving even 20 minutes to an activity like walking. She wants you to develop more self-love and have a long term relationship with your fitness. We talk about weight loss, plateaus, extreme diets, and everything in between. What a fun conversation!

Instagram: @itsmelissavogel

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