Your Big Gay Divorce
Aug 29, 2024This week on the Find Me The Money podcast, our guest is Tyler Summers, a Boston family lawyer. He is talking with us about the special issues faced by the LGBTQ community when going through the process of divorce. Marriage equality has allowed homosexual couples to access the same divorce process as heterosexual couples, but the laws were originally designed for heterosexual couples and may not adequately address issues found in gay divorce.
Tyler and I talk about issues like custody and parenting issues involving non-biological parents, child support and spousal support in same-sex relationships, and benefits of pre-nuptial and post-nuptial agreements.
We also talk about how gay couples often rely heavily on their "chosen family" as their biological families may not be as supportive of their relationship. When gay couples divorce, the loss of one's chosen family can be more devastating.
Tune in to hear Tyler's take on these interesting and important issues in gay divorce.