Legal Abuse: When Your Ex Uses the Divorce To Wear You Down and Bleed You Dry Financially

Sep 19, 2024

This week on the Find Me The Money podcast, our guest is Lisa Johnson of Been There Got Out.  Lisa and her partner Chris are specialists in high conflict divorce. They've both been through very costly divorces that had extreme conflict. They learned how to navigate the legal system and take control of their divorces. Lisa has been to court more than 100 times with her ex, and she's heere to talk about legal abuse and reducing your legal fees.

It is important to choose the right attorney: one who knows how to manage high conflict people and who is willing to help you control your costs. Lisa explains the tactics used by abusers, particularly when it comes to running up your legal fees. And she gives some excellent tips for keeping those costs down and really playing an active role in your own divorce.


Check out the episode with Lisa here.

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